Dreamer & Co was started with the idea that women deserve more. We have seen first-hand how tools like education, money, mentors, and family support can propel a person...
We are excited to share that Dreamer & Co is the newest member of the Fair Trade Federation! Our acceptance as a verified FTF member reflects our deep commitment to...
Dreamer & Co is passionate about creating more space for women to shine—and part of that is through education, trauma healing, and dignified jobs. In February the artisans attended a...
Meet Neima: The Master Maker of The Fabric Earrings
Neima is one of the founding members of Riyo Rumoday. She was one of the first women to go through the vocation training program conducted by our partner non-profit. She...
We define a fair wage as money earned that is agreed upon by both parties. This should be above or equal to the minimum wage or industry standards for that...